Care Providers

HotelHelp works with established care providers who exemplify best practices in service delivery to ensure victims and survivors are provided with safe and supportive services during their hotel stays.
Participating care providers can reserve up to five room nights per person in total across all participating hotels. All hotel rooms are donated.
HotelHelp is currently operational in five US cities, with plans to expand to additional locations across other regions and countries. A nationwide rollout will be phased throughout the year and is expected to grow program access/availability to a total of 25 cities by January 2025. Target markets will span key metropolitan areas in North America from Boston and San Francisco to Orlando and Montreal.

Current Care Providers

Support area:
Washington (DC), Houston (TX), Atlanta (GA), San Francisco (CA), United States
The Tahirih Justice Center is a national, nonprofit organization that serves immigrant survivors fleeing gender-based violence. By amplifying the experiences of survivors in communities, courts, and Congress, Tahirih’s mission is to create a world in which all people share equal rights and live in safety and with dignity. Read more
Support area:
Atlanta (GA), United States
Tapestri is dedicated to ending violence and oppression in refugee and immigrant communities, using culturally competent and linguistically appropriate methods. Tapestri uses education, community organizing, direct services, and advocacy to improve the lives of our clients. Tapestri's Human Trafficking Program provides comprehensive case... Read more
Support area:
Montreal (QC), Canada
Since its incorporation in 1987, the Native Women's Shelter of Montreal has provided shelter and support to First Nations, Inuit and Métis women and their children. Our clientele are self-referred or referred by community resources. The shelter provides an environment where women can focus on their various challenges and rebuild their lives. Our... Read more
Support area:
Chicago (IL), United States
STOP-IT provides services to survivors of human trafficking. STOP-IT utilizes a client-centered, trauma-informed approach to provide wrap-around services to program participants. The program also supports survivors in crisis through our 24-hour hotline.    Read more
Support area:
Dallas (TX), United States
Traffick911 offers around-the-clock crisis intervention and continuous care for child sex trafficking victims across North Texas through relational and individualized case management and 24/7 crisis response rotation. Read more
